Kohi Click Test - Conduct Click Speed Test

Published on 30 May 2020 at 12:06

Kohi click test or click speed test is a process of checking the ratio of clicks per second or how fast you can click in a second by using your computer mouse or laptop mouse pad. It is also known as CPS test which is the short form of clicks per second and tells that how much clicks you can make in a second.

What is Click Per Second?

As it is mentioned in recent lines that CPS stands for clicks per second, it is an indicator used by people to check that how fast they can click while playing a game or doing something else on the computer. Results of clicks speed test usually depend on equipment or device you are using such as computer mouse of mouse pad of your laptop etc.

According to tech experts, a regular mouse connected with a desktop computer has more motion to perform more clicks and your kohi click test results would be high in results.


Basically, kohi is a Minecraft gaming server famous among gamers and superbly known for its Hard Core Factions game approaches. As said by experts, in Minecraft 1.7 and 1.8, gaming skills of an individual could mainly be determined by how slickly he or she can click by using a computer mouse.

The result of click speed test was exact on Minecraft servers like Kohi and that’s why the test is most commonly known as kohi click test. The CPS test was firstly invented on kohi, and then recreated by several clicking speed test websites for fun.

These websites provide accurate clicks per second results to users and let them know that how quickly and fast they can click with a mouse.

By using these CPS test websites, you can test your current clicking speed against time mentioned on the site and then can learn how to click faster in order to boost your clicking speed.

How to Click Faster Than Ever Before?

Below are some practices that really can help you improve your clicks per second speed.

Try different clicking speed techniques

You can make use of clicking speed test websites such as Jitter clicking or Butterfly clicking not only to test your click speed but to improve it as well because they can make your finger muscles stronger to click faster than ever by using a computer mouse.

Prefer computer mouse instead of a laptop trackpad

When you really want to improve your clicking speed to beat your competitor when playing a game, you should use a mouse instead of the trackpad as a mouse can help you click faster.

Use the clicking keys in the best way

You should use the clicking keys of your mouse properly in order to make more clicks per second when there is a race between you and your friend to check how fast both of you can click. You should also be quick to press the keys quickly when needed.

Choose the best gaming mouse for better results

As gaming mouses are specifically designed to provide best possible performance, use of the best gaming mouse like Razer mouse can help you experience improved scores during the kohi speed test. You can also search the web to find best and reasonable gaming mouse for yourself.

Keep practicing

Practice makes everything perfect and if you also want to enjoy improved clicking speed while playing game on PC, you should be practicing the clicking by using different click speed test websites to check and improve your clicks per second proportion.

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